Tips for Decluttering

One of the most challenging yet satisfying accomplishments around the house is to declutter. It helps to get rid of items you don’t and organize a room or part of the house. Often, decluttering can be a very daunting task, especially if it’s trying to clean up and organize a closet, basement storage area or children’s area. It seems like the more you try and clean up, the worse the mess actually gets!


In order to tackle decluttering, I’ve been using some tried and tested tips to get me, and hopefully you, through the task.

1. Scheduling a time: Let’s face it, when it come to decluttering and cleaning up, we always tend to procrastinate and make excuses. Something always comes up and there is no time. Instead, make sure you clear out your calendar and keep half a day or a full day to declutter. Have it it pop-up in your calendar and let your friends/family/significant other know that you will be busy.

2. Prepare and Avoid Distractions: If you’re going to be spending time decluttering, make sure you dress comfortably. Wear clothes that can get dusty and dirty. Also, put away anything distracting. We all get distracted with alerts on the phone telling us of a new tweet, snapchat video or WhatsApp message. PUT IT AWAY! You will save so much more time if there is nothing there to distract you.

Labeled Bins

3. Use Labeled Bins: Get three large bins and label them. You will need one bin for items you’re going to keep, one for items to donate and last one for items to throw out. If you’re decluttering a larger area, such as a garage, then have a section of the garage where you can place the items. Split the area into three sections and put a piece paper with the labels on it.

4. If Possible, Choose Categories: If you’re decluttering a room, then split it up by selecting one category at a time. For instance, in a living room, first declutter all the magazines/books or clean-up the DVD section of the entertainment unit. By categorizing items, you can have quick wins by completing one

5. Take Out Everything: When you declutter, make sure you empty out everything for that category. If it’s book, take them all off the shelves. Don’t leave anything behind, even if you’re going to keep them. Once you sort through them, you might realize that you don’t need the book after all. This helps you not miss anything.

6. Assess the Items: When everything is laid out in front of you, you can assess if you want to keep, donate or throw the items out. Keep items that you feel are absolutely necessary or really give you joy. Donate items that are in good shape and you feel can help or make someone else happy. Throw out items that you feel are not in good shape or they are pretty much useless for anyone.

7. Discard Right Away: Once you’re done assessing items, make sure you discard the items to throw out right away and donate the items to a donation center immediately. Don’t let it sit around in the basement, garage or in a spare room. The more time it’s in the house, the more chances some of the items might come back into the room they were previously in!

Using these 7 steps helps me declutter and organize any part of the house. Hopefully these steps will be of value to you while declutter your space!

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Faiza designed our living room, master bedroom and mud room. From the start it was easy to relate to her our ideas about the spaces in question. Her personality is down to earth and approachable.

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Faiza designed our living room, master bedroom and mud room. From the start it was easy to relate to her our ideas about the spaces in question. Her personality is down to earth and approachable.

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